The North Wirral Velo’s elite drinking squad has officially run out of excuses to stay in and made a return to Tuesday night social rides and their favourite haunt of the Thatch in Raby. Despite the slightly chilly evening (and it still being March) a strong first turn out of 9 intrepid drinkers (on a promise of a free pint) took the much preferred “Erdinger Route 1” to the Thatch. After a winter of hibernation the team stepped out from their respective (Zwift or drinking) caves, blinking at the sunlight.

The ride was fairly uneventful, save for Chris S attempting to wipe out half the squad by not tightening his rear axel and trying to eject it sideways at young Chas on the descent into Parkgate.
Hopefully now the weather will start to support these rides regularly on Tuesdays from now on. See you next week…?

Ride safe
ps Now is a good time to buy shares in Erdinger
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